Unable to devote the time needed to add notes to paper using pen and ink, (and in any case rather too impatient by nature to pursue that option) for many years his music remained a thing of the moment and unrecorded.
Early attempts to input improvisation into Digital Notation Software using a midi keyboard failed, since the software required strict time keeping (not something he found easy!) if the result was to be of any use. Following retirement and Covid lockdowns, with more time in which to compose, and now using a computer and Sibelius 7.5 with its extensive library of sound samples, a whole new composing opportunity was suddenly available.
Instrumental scores (even of a full orchestra or choir) could be written and played back in a remarkably realistic way both during and after the composing process. Living between the New Forest and the Solent and near to the uplifting music of Christchurch Priory, he enjoys multiple sources of inspiration. In the technology he has found a simpler and more satisfying composing process with immediate feedback during composition, and an immediate and permanent form of his work. But most importantly with invaluable guidance from local musicians, there is now better structure to his music – (although still learning, he is first to admit there is always room for improvement).
His love of all types of music could now be developed and explored to the full, and we do hope you will enjoy listening to the results which can be heard using the links that follow or directly from the Kirk Nathan Music YouTube channel "knm6065".
To find my music (currently listed under three categories of Orchestral, Choral and Other) -
if using a smart phone or tablet you may need to select the 3-bar device in the top LH corner of this page to find the list of the three different categories.
if using a computer just select any one of the categories listed at the top of the page.
More Kirk Nathan music will be added from time to time so, if you like what you find here, do complete the Contact Me section and let us know which type of the Kirk Nathan music interests you.
More Kirk Nathan compositions will be added from time to time. If you would like notification of future items or wish to acquire copies of sheet music of any of the pieces, do complete the Contact Me section or email direct to kirk@knmusic.uk